Blending synchronous VILT

 Blending synchronous VILT with Asynchronous training maximizes the training output 1.  Appealing learning styles Incorporating asynchronous learning activities in the form of video aids like diagrams, charts, video lectures, or presentations that illustrate prime objectives helps emphasize the key concepts… Continue Reading


AR and VR Trends

With technology development, both AR (Augmented Reality), and VR (Virtual Reality) has made a great improvement and already making a significant impact in e-Learning. In this article, we will explore some of the AR and VR trends that are necessary… Continue Reading


Video-based learning

Video-based learning is one of the significant and productive e-learning format. Incorporated with a wide range of media assets such as animation, graphics, text, and audio, video can create enriched learning experiences. Why Video-based learning? The human brains processes image… Continue Reading


HTML5 e-Learning Development

An already in-demand solutions globally for E-learning, many corporate and training providers are looking to develop their contents in html 5 format for delivering through multiple devices. WHBS with their expertise in CSS 3, HTML 5 and java script bring alive… Continue Reading



WHITE HOUSE BUSINESS SOLUTIONS Provider of online courses with well researched study material. Provider of Learning Management System to manage corporate knowldegebase. A Moodle Partner and a provider of LMS Deployment Services. Provider of Application Development and E-Learning Solutions. Provider… Continue Reading


Custom Elearning Development

  The eLearning industry is evolving swiftly along with latest technology advancements. Corporates are moving out from developing simple training content to high end sophisticated learning content that can be accessed along all platforms and devices. Whbs has extensive experience… Continue Reading
